This recipe is from my mother. It may sound strange, but these are really good and very easy to make. The Brussels sprouts should be brown with a bit of...
This is a moist fudgy type cake. Sweet but not extremely sweet and makes good use of zucchini! You can frost it with chocolate frosting or cream cheese...
This is my wife's favorite meal. A flavorful blend of ground beef, vegetables, and your favorite cheese. A true one-skillet meal that will satisfy your...
This is an easy recipe that will amaze your guests with its elegance and complex flavors. The secret is using won-ton wrappers instead of pasta. This raviolis...
This recipe is so easy and healthy. I love mashed potatoes, and when I started the South Beach Diet® and couldn't have them, I had to find an alternative....
You might've tried boiling, mashing, and even turning cauliflower into 'rice'. For a different take on cauliflower, try these oven-roasted cauliflower...
This oven-fried eggplant is a delicious alternative to deep-fried eggplant; easy and quick to make in the oven! Came up with this idea when looking for...
After many years of experimentation, I've finally perfected what I think is the ideal formula for a rich pumpkin pie that's also much less likely to crack...
An easy and quick way to prepare eggplant, and tasty too! I serve it with sliced fresh tomatoes, fresh green beans and bread and butter. An inexpensive...
If you like spice cake, this is very good. Even if your family doesn't like pumpkin, I promise they'll never know there's pumpkin in this delicious cake....
This cheese-enhanced squash casserole is quick and easy to prepare and will please all the members of your family. My husband considers himself a squash...
This was a favorite recipe in my family when I was growing up and now that I'm married, it's one of my husband's favorite dishes. A great way to use squash,...
You will be the hit of your holiday dinner with this Pumpkin Chiffon Pie. It is a recipe that's been in our family for years, but I want to share it so...
This is a creative, unusual casserole that's one of my grandmother's favorites. It combines zucchini and bell pepper with Cheddar cheese, spices and crispy...
I made this up last night looking for something to do with a bag of beautiful baby eggplants I got. They were purple eggplants, but smallish. They were...
These juicy portobello steaks are one of my favorite quick and easy dishes. These can be cooked on a skillet indoors or on a grill outdoor. Such a great...
This roasted cauliflower with cheese recipe is a twist on traditional roasted cauliflower given to me (reluctantly!) by my neighbor, and it's delicious!...
My husband and I love sauteed spinach, sauteed mushrooms, sauteed onions, and sauteed garlic. So, we put it all together with some tomatoes to add some...
This is not a particularly sweet dessert, but it is creamy. The recipe calls for cream, but I use half-and-half. Much of the creaminess comes from the...